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Klausi’s PalettenArt

Make Your Own DIY CNC by nick2334 in cnc

http://www.instructables.com/id/Make-Your-Own-DIY-CNC/?ALLSTEPS   This instructable outlines the assembly process of my 2nd generation CNC machine which I designed to be simple to build and quiet enough to be apartment friendly. I have included example projects that I have made in the first two weeks of using the machine to demonstrate its capabilities. This is the second… Weiterlesen »Make Your Own DIY CNC by nick2334 in cnc

How to make a table saw – Making the Fence by VMH0307 in woodworking

http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Make-a-Table-Saw-Making-the-Fence/?ALLSTEPS   Hello Everybody! I would like to continue the series How to make a table saws with Make a Fence for Table saw. Previous article related to making the table saw, you can see at the following link: How to make a table saw – Part 1 How to make a table saw –… Weiterlesen »How to make a table saw – Making the Fence by VMH0307 in woodworking

SmartJointer: fully automatic SmartMini-based box jointer by trusley_mike in woodworking

http://www.instructables.com/id/SmartJointer-Full-Automatic-SmartMini-based-Box-Jo/?ALLSTEPS   This is part two of two parts about SmartJointer – an easy-to-assemble CNC box (“finger”) jointer controlled by SmartMini. Please click here for part one. This Instructable converts SmartJointer for fully automatic operation. SmartJointer is a an easy-to-assemble CNC box (“finger”) jointer controlled by SmartMini. No PC or mains power supply is required… Weiterlesen »SmartJointer: fully automatic SmartMini-based box jointer by trusley_mike in woodworking

SmartJointer: SmartMini/Arduino controlled box jointer by trusley_mike in woodworking

http://www.instructables.com/id/SmartJointer-SmartMiniArduino-Controlled-Box-Joint/?ALLSTEPS   This is part one of two parts about SmartJointer – an easy-to-assemble CNC box (“finger”) jointer controlled by SmartMini. Please click here for part two. No PC or mains power supply is required to operate SmartJointer in the workshop. The jointer is built from 9mm plywood and softwood plus mechanical and electronics parts.… Weiterlesen »SmartJointer: SmartMini/Arduino controlled box jointer by trusley_mike in woodworking

DIY Oil-Based Varnish by Paoson Woodwork in woodworking

http://www.instructables.com/id/DIY-Oil-Based-Varnish/?ALLSTEPS I’m going to show you how to prepare a very useful oil-based varnish for all kinds of wood and wood by-products, outdoors and indoors. I’m going to prepare two compounds. The first one, which we’ll use as base, will have a liquid consistency, whereas the second one, which we’ll use as a finish, will… Weiterlesen »DIY Oil-Based Varnish by Paoson Woodwork in woodworking

How to Build a Japanese Hand Plane

http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Build-a-Japanese-Hand-Plane/   A Japanese hand plane is also known as a Kanna. The major difference from western planes is the Japanese plane is pulled, not pushed. The plane is made of either Japanese red or white oak, while the blade is a lamination of hard iron to softer iron. I will be making a smoothing… Weiterlesen »How to Build a Japanese Hand Plane

1.6W Laser Cutter and Engraver by hpb in lasers

http://www.instructables.com/id/16W-Laser-Cutter-and-Engraver/?ALLSTEPS   I made this laser engraver mostly for cutting stencils for my PCBs but its applications are limited only by your imagination and the laser power. Most PCBs today have SMD components. You can solder these by placing the solder paste with a syringe on each pad but thats time consuming and not to… Weiterlesen »1.6W Laser Cutter and Engraver by hpb in lasers

So you dropped your no.4 hand plane? by BossyRangs in tools

  http://www.instructables.com/id/So-You-Dropped-Your-No4-Hand-Plane/?ALLSTEPS You were smoothing some wood, got a cramp, dropped your favorite hand plane on the floor and now it looks like this? No worries, it happens to the best. You don’t need to throw it in the trash just yet. Together, we’ll turn it into an even better hand plane! How? By making… Weiterlesen »So you dropped your no.4 hand plane? by BossyRangs in tools